Why Insta Remit Is Your Best Pick

Swift, Secure Online Money Transfer
Trust Our Features

Best Exchange

Transparent, low transaction fees, upfront best rates, no hidden costs.


Advanced technology safeguards your privacy and finances at every transaction step.


Intuitive, easy-to-use platform ensures a hassle-free experience for all users.


Experienced customer service team, highly-rated by clients, dedicated to assist you.

Discovering Insta Remit's Purpose

Revolutionizing Money Transfers

At Insta Remit, we redefine money transfers, prioritizing your control and satisfaction. Our platform ensures swift approvals, real-time tracking and secure transactions. Enjoy waived fees for higher amounts, benefit from top exchange rates and experience effortless one-click money transfers, backed by exceptional service and reliability.

  • Two-factor authentication ensures secure transactions always.
  • Transparent data protection at collection, processing & storage.
  • Round-the-clock anti-fraud vigilance for safety.
  • Regular audits maintain financial stability, ensuring safety.
  • Long-standing reliability, ensuring trust and dependability.
Discover More

The Insta Remit Workflow

3 Simple Steps for Swift & Safe Money Transfers

Register & Verify

Phone and email verification unlocks access to seamless money transfers with Insta Remit.

Enter Amount & Details

Specify transfer details, check fees and rates for a transparent, efficient transaction process.

Send & Track Easily

Initiate transfer, track in real-time, ensuring smooth fund delivery through your account.

Country Coverage for International Payments

Make Local currency payments to over 35 countries worldwide.

North America

User Mobile App Screens

Seamless Remittance & Tracking
Insta Remit's Promise

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Common Queries Solved

How much can you send?

We have categorized the sending limits into two levels:
Level 1: Customers can send up to $40,000 within 1 year.
Level 2: Customers can send an unlimited amount of money after you verify your income by uploading your payslip and bank statement.

How long will it take for your money to arrive?

It may take up to 2 working days after the fund is received. Contact us for more up to date information on transfer time.

How can you make your transfer?

You can transfer your money through bank transfer.

How do I cancel a transaction that has been made?

In order to cancel a transaction that you have made, please contact Insta Remit as soon as possible. However, we may not be able to recall it, so we recommend you to contact Insta Remit as soon as possible. We cannot recall a payment if it has already been paid in Nepal.

How long does a refund take?

When a transaction is canceled, it might take up to 7 working days to be credited back to you. However, it may vary depending on your bank.

Is there anything I need to know before I upload my ID?

Please ensure that it is a high-quality photo or scan of a valid government issued ID that shows:

  • Document number
  • Your photo
  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your signature
  • Expiry date of ID

The full name and date of birth must match the details on the Insta Remit account.

What types of ID can you accept?

Documents that we can accept include:

  • Passport
  • Australian photo ID
  • Australian driver’s license

We cannot accept documents such as student cards.

What types of documents can you accept for address verification?

1. Utility Bill

  • This can be gas, electricity, water or insurance bills
  • We cannot accept mobile phone bills
  • This must be no older than 3 months

2. Driving Licence

  • This must show your address
  • This must be in date- we cannot accept expired documents

3. Bank/Credit card statement

  • This must be no older than 3 months

If your document is not accepted, it could be for a number of reasons. Reasons documents cannot be accepted can include:

  • The date
    We cannot accept the document that is older than 3 months
  • The details on your document
    The details including name and address on the document provided must match your Insta Remit account
    The details must be your home residence in Australia, not your home address of Nepal.
  • The document type
    The type of document may not be one we can accept(for example a mobile phone bill)

What happens to my personal information after I upload it?

We are required to verify our customers as we are a money-wise regulated company. Your information and documents are safe on our secure servers. We only use this to verify your ID.

You can read more about it on our privacy policy.

Need to send us your documents?

If we've asked you to send us some documents, you can send us our email. You can upload your documents as below:

  • Photo ID
  • Proof of address
  • Bank statement
  • Proof of income source

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact us any time

Send, Receive and Track your transfers
on the go with our mobile app.

Empowering Mobility, Insta Remit Mobile App Allows Seamless Transfer Management on the Move

Transfer Anyone Instantly, In Just One-Click

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